Aquaponics 101



Aquaponics 101

How Many Plants Do I Want To Grow?

# of plants / 4 = # of Pots 

Example: 300 Plants / 4 = 75 Mr Stacky Pots 

How Many Pounds Of Fish Will I Need?

(# of pots) x (Pounds of fish feed per day per pot) x (# of days to harvest fish) / FCR = Pounds Of Fish

Feeding Rate Ratio: Amount of feed fed to the fish daily per square foot of growing area.

Between .012 and .020 pounds of fish feed will be needed per day to support each pot depending on if your plants are heavy or light feeders.  Example: Basil = Light Feeder; Peppers = Heavy Feeder; Recommend just using the average of .016 pounds per day per pot. 

FCR = Feed Conversion Ratio = Amount of feed required to produce one pound of fish

Salmon = 1.2; Tilapia = 1.6; Catfish =1.75

Tilapia Harvesting Time = 210 days/7 months

Example: Tilapia: ((.016 lbs/day) x (210 days)) / 1.6 = 2.1 pounds of Tilapia Per Pot Needed

2.1 pounds of Tialpia per pot x 75 pots = 157.5 pounds of Tialpia

How Big Should My Tank Be?

A general rule of thumb is to have 3 gallons of water per pound of fish.

Example: (3 gallons / 1 pound of fish) x (157.5 pounds of fish) = 472.5 gallon tank 

In summary, 75 Pots and a 472.50 gallon tank will be needed to produce 172.5 pounds of fish every 7 months while harvesting 300 plants every 2-3 months.





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